
Android Applications Can Run on Tizen Apparently



Research in Motion (RIM) had what the company called an Android player for its BlackBerry PlayBook which apparently allowed users to run Android applications on their tablet that was running BlackBerry OS. That said, the fact that another OS can also run applications originally made for Android devices comes as no surprise. In addition to that, as the video above will indicate, Tizen OS which is a product of a collaboration of different companies including Samsung and Intel will be able to run Android applications. The primary application that has to be used in order to access Android-based applications is aptly called Application Compatibility Layer (ACL).

The Tizen OS which seems to be largely influenced by Samsung’s TouchWiz interface recently got its official 1.0 version which has been given out to developers on a Samsung prototype smartphone. The company behind ACL which is called Open Mobile claims that the applications originally for Android devices will be able to run on a Tizen-powered device with 100% compatibility and feature the “same responsiveness users would expect on a native Android device”.  As opposed to end users having to install the application themselves, Open Mobile hopes that its ACL program will be integrated into Tizen-powered smartphones and tablets by vendors. The video embedded above for your viewing convenience displays a demonstration of Android applications running on a Tizen tablet.


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