
Stride – A New Unlocking Mechanism for Jailbroken iPhones



While Apple’s current slide-to-unlock does what it is supposed to effectively, it’s not as exciting as the various unlocking mechanisms available on Android’s OS. Fortunately for iPhone owners who have jailbroken their devices, there is a new jailbreak tweak which makes the unlocking of your iPhone a more fun and engaging experience. Once Stride is downloaded and installed, users will be able to create an 8-bit visual password which must be drawn in order to get through the iPhone’s lock-screen.

The ability to enable or disable the locking mechanism will be slipped in at the ‘settings’ app. If you are worried that Stride is merely a novelty and people would be able to guess your drawing, users will also be given the option of selecting the PIN lock which works alongside Stride. 8-bit graphics are excellent anywhere they are and now you can have them the moment you press the power button on your iPhone plus at $2.99 it isn’t really all that expensive.


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