
Google+ App for iPad Not Given Enough Attention



The latest Google+ app update for iOS was released about a month ago and the update featured the normal fixes and performance enhancements that come with any update nowadays. But online reports claim that iOS users are upset that there are still many features missing and they would like to see the changes made in the next update. The rating of the application on iTunes is a miserable 3 stars which is a very obvious sign that the effort being put into the development of the Apple’s iPad is not enough.

According to an article on Product-Reviews, the next Google+ app update should bring along real iPad support with it. Users have apparently reported that they feel the 2x button which just enlarges the application to fit the screen is a lazy, quick fix and doesn’t allow the application to utilize the comprehensive displays they paid for. Since the iPad is the tablet that has the highest sales, spending a bit more time on the app’s development does not sound exactly insane.

Although it does seem like Google are not investing their time and money to make the Google+ app for the iPad significantly better yet, the fact that Google would rather support their own Android devices first should come to the forefront of this particular thought process. Yes, it is a fact that Google does cater to everybody to a certain extent, but can you imagine the uproar if Google catered more to Apple devices and left the Android users stranded on an older version of the application? If you own an Android tablet, please leave a comment below to let us know about your experience with Google+ on your tablet. Is the experience satisfying or otherwise? We would


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