
BlackBerry 10 Development Phone Photo Leaked



Research in Motion (RIM), is the Canadian company behind BlackBerry devices. It has truly been facing a torrential year in the mobile world with platforms like Android and iOS taking the main stage. Besides that, some quarters have even gone so far as to totally write-off the company and not giving it even the remotest chance at a comeback. However, a leaked image with some details has surfaced on the internet which if true, might offer a glimmer of hope to the struggling company.

The folks over at Crackberry unearthed an image of a BlackBerry 10-powered phone for developers which will allegedly be given out to the said developers at the BlackBerry 10 Jam Conference which will be held in Orlando this week but is not likely to be going on sale ever but if BlackBerry 10 devices look like this and can provide competitive specifications and features it seems like it will have a fighting chance.

Before this, rumors stated the BlackBerry 10 internal development phones looked like little versions of the company’s PlayBook tablet and that is exactly what this image looks like. The report goes on to say that the BlackBerry 10 Developer Alpha device as it is called is essentially the original BlackBerry Colt but that has not really been seen in the wild before, so for now this is still a leak with nothing set in stone yet. That said however, with BlackBerry Jam coming up soon, maybe we’ll have a better look at it after just a short while.


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