
The late Steve Jobs was not a fan of the name Siri



The new details on the legendary late CEO and co-founder of Apple came from a speech given earlier this week by one of Siri’s co-founders, Dag Kittlaus. In his speech given earlier this week, he explained how he had once worked with a Norwegian lady named Siri and had always wanted to name his daughter Siri as well because in Norwegian, Siri means ‘beautiful woman who leads you to victory’. Another reason he gave as to why he thought Siri was appropriate is that consumer companies need to focus on the fact that the name is easy to spell and easy to say.

Apple acquired Siri in April 2010 for a purported $200 million while the software was just a free item on the iPhone App Store. Even after the acquisition, Jobs was not a fan of the name but Kittlaus tried to convince the Apple co-founder otherwise and according to Kittlaus, since Jobs failed to come up with an alternative option, the name stuck. Kittlaus goes on to say that Steve Jobs had a three hour long conversation with him before Apple bought Siri in his Cupertino office by the fire. As of now, Kittlaus is no longer part of the Apple team and has moved on to different pastures. What do you think about the name Siri? Let us know your thoughts with a comment below.


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