
Nokia plans to come up with better design to beat iPhone



The design head at Nokia is bent on out-doing Sir Jonathon Ive with a Nokia handset in the future. He revealed in an interview that Nokia will eventually release a phone that was so advanced technologically and design-wise that it would make all other handsets seem old and boring.

Another design head, Marko Ahtisaari from Nokia believes that the interfaces of the current phones don’t interest him as he feels that they are boring. He even goes so far as to describe Symbian and Android as ‘dollhouses’ because users can rearrange ‘furniture’ to suit their OS.

While none of this seems to appeal to Ahtisaari, he mentions that Nokia is currently working on something which would revolutionise how a user interacts with their phone. As far as releasing more information regarding his mystical statement, he was adamant on his silence reports state. But our friends over at TechRadar believe that it might be linked to the concepts he outlined at last year’s Le Web interview where he slyly hinted that the future of mobile phones will be heads-up, instead of heads down looking at your phone screen.

Whether this means that Nokia are indeed working on some sort of piping mechanism for a Heads-Up Display remains to be seen, but rest assured, both Microsoft and Google are already on it. While Ahtisaari gave nothing away in the interview it did show that Nokia have not given up the battle and are still looking to change it up in the mobile phone market. Very admirable don’t you think?


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