
HTC to sue Apple for patent infringement



For those who have been keeping track of lawsuits, you guys are probably aware of the whole Apple vs Samsung battle. Then there seems to be an upcoming Apple vs Motorola battle where Apple has accused Motorola of infringing on its patents. Well now it looks like the tables have turned and HTC is suing Apple for infringing on their patents, and is looking for an injunction on a variety of Apple products.

The patents in question are regarding how systems communicate with wireless devices, although no specifics were mentioned. The devices in question range from Mac computers, iPad, the iPhone and Apple TV.

Given that Android devices have seen almost a new device every month, perhaps this is just Apple’s way to attempting to control the situation, at least until iOS 5 and the iPhone 5 are out. One has to wonder how all of these lawsuits will eventually end, and if actual products will end up getting banned as a result.


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