
Fujitsu rumored to release WP7 Mango handset in August



Good news if you’re living in Japan, as there is a chance you may be able to get your hands on the Fujitsu Windows Phone 7 device sometime in August if the rumors are to be believed. August seems a bit early, considering that Microsoft had plans to launch Mango slightly later than that. Although if Fujitsu does indeed deliver the device before Microsoft makes Mango official, they may very well be the first WP7 handset in the world to officially sport the Mango update.

The device in question looks similar to the Toshiba Regza T-01C, although with Fujitsu now working together with Toshiba on their smartphones, they may very well be using the T-01C as a placeholder, at least until they are ready to unveil the actual device.

Unfortunately as with most Fujitsu smartphones, they rarely make it outside ofJapan, which means those living in the States or other countries may very well not see Fujitsu’s WP7 hit their shores.



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