
AT&T, T-Mobile Merger Has Some Big Names Backing Them Up



Yesterday we reported that the FCC has sent out official paperwork to some of the carriers, asking them for their thoughts and opinions regarding the impending AT&T and T-Mobile merger. Even if those carriers were to have a negative opinion regarding the merger perhaps AT&T and T-Mobile may not have to worry as it seems that some of the big names in the industry are supporting the merger.

Facebook, Microsoft and RIM have filed their support with the FCC, basically saying that the merger will be good because it will increase coverage and capacity, thus providing better services and support to their customers. In the letter it read:

Many policy related efforts will not be able to quickly address near term capacity needs. The FCC must seriously weigh the benefits of this merger and approve it.

An increasingly robust and efficient wireless network is part of a virtuous innovation cycle and a healthy wireless ecosystem is an important part of our global competitiveness.

AT&T has stated that its LTE deployment will bring significant benefits to residents of rural areas and smaller communities, where the benefits of real-time video and similar capabilities are most urgently needed to fill gaps in physical infrastructure for healthcare, education, and other social needs.


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