
Windows Phone 7 device manager to be released after the first update



Remember the Windows Phone 7 device manager we reported previously? The developer of the program has come forward with more details concerning it. It will be released after Microsoft’s first WP7 update so it shouldn’t be too far away, considering how the WP7 update has been rumored to be arriving next month. The Windows Phone 7 device manager unlocks the device differently from ChevronWP7. It uses a fake registration server to unlock the phone as a developer device, and will not automatically relock the phone. The developer refused to divulge any more details about the unlocking process as he didn’t want Microsoft to patch up the hole before he could even release his program. Well, with developers showing this much interest in the operating system, it can only be a good thing. How many of you have plans to unlock your phone in order to use homebrew apps?


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