sony ericsson

Sony Ericsson won’t release Windows Phone 7 devices anytime soon



A blogger from the French blog Le Journal du Geek recently wrote about his attendance at CES 2011 where he approached the Sony Ericsson officials with two questions – will we be seeing a Windows Phone 7 smartphone from them, and whether he could see the infamous PlayStation Phone. He obviously got the “no comment” response for the PlayStation Phone, however for the question about WP7, the answer was more interesting. Apparently the main reason that they haven’t put out a Sony-Ericsson WP7 phone is because of the lack of customizability of the device. They have no plans to put out just another WP7 phone. If what was reported can be taken as the truth, it’s safe to say we won’t be seeing a WP7 device from Sony Ericsson anytime soon, unless they figure out a way to customize the UI while still complying to Microsoft’s rules of a unified experience across all WP7 devices. What do you think? Would you like to see Timescape UI on your WP7 phone?


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