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Windows Phone 7 to get a fruity update in August/September



Another major update for Windows Phone 7 has been reported to be in the works and will be released in fall next year. The update codenamed “Mango” (what’s with using food names?) will be so significant that it’s supposed to bump up the phone to version 7.5. Features rumored to be in the update include HTML 5 and Silverlight support for WP7. But wait, there’s more- apparently in 2012, another major update, “Apollo” will be dropping as well, and this one is supposed to bring the operating system up to version 8. If you’re still using your WP7 device by then, it’s almost like getting a new phone! It’s good to know that Microsoft has so many major updates for the phone planned in the pipeline, but let’s hope there will be minor updates in between to fix any problems or add minor functionalities to the operating system. Nobody likes waiting half a year just to get a small problem fixed. Now that you know Microsoft plans to keep Windows Phone 7 updated, does it make you want the phone any more than you did before?


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