
Microsoft to relax Windows Phone 7 developer restrictions



Microsoft is rumored to release a Windows Phone 7 update in February that will enable it to catch up to its rivals, according to Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer. Microsoft will be opening up several new APIs that will allow for greater multi-tasking and in-app downloads and better customization for users. It looks like copy and paste will be in time for January after all, and Microsoft plans to demonstrate the WP7 update at CES next year. Microsoft will also be releasing their WP7 sales figures in January, so for everyone anticipating, the figures, hold on for a bit more. But so far it looks like Microsoft is fixing what was wrong with WP7 at launch, especially on the developers’ side of things. Here’s to hoping Microsoft makes a comeback from its Windows Mobile slump, after all, Android and iOS need a little competition from the outside.


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