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Search the Windows Marketplace visually with Bing Visual Search



Microsoft has has added a category to Bing visual search that allows you to search through the Windows Marketplace.  The visual catalog is updated daily with many different criteria such as category, sub-catgeory, and price of the app. At this time of writing there are 1658 Windows Phone 7 Apps- about 350 off from the promised 2,000 at launch, but I wouldn’t say it’s too shabby of a number- it would take quite sometime before anybody can go through that many apps. The Visual Search also has top 25 lists to help you find the best rated, newest, and most downloaded apps, making it similar to the iTunes App Store. At the moment it’s only available for the US and UK Marketplaces but I’m sure Microsoft will soon implement the feature for the rest of the world. What’s your favorite WP7 app so far?


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