
Google Looks Into Real Time Translation On Android



It looks like we live in the age of speed, where delays are frowned upon on. In fact, it seems that Google too, wants to deliver near instantaneous translating with their Google Translate app on mobile devices by minimizing the amount of delay, making it feel as though it works in real-time. Word on the street has it that Google is preparing to roll out a brand new service which will be able to translate words in real-time, pretty much in the same manner as a current market solution known as Word Lens is able to do.

The update to the Android ‘Translate’ app will also be able to automatically recognize when someone is speaking another language, before going about with its translation magic to turn it into text that you can understand. The mechanics behind this app remain to be understood, but changes are one will need to have it configured to translate popular spoken languages into written text in a language of your choice, allowing it to be ever ready to see action. Anyone interested?


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