
Apple Could Work On Rival Spotify App On Android Platform



I am quite sure that many years ago, should someone walk up to you and told you that Apple’s computers would run on Windows and Intel processors one day, you would probably dismiss that as a loony bin who escaped from the nearest mental ward. The future proved to be correct on both counts at one point or another, and hence this time around, it is not that strange to hear that Apple might very well be working on an iTunes app for the Android platform.

This particular move would not come across as a surprise because Apple has been one of the early successful pioneers in selling music online. Android right now has many ways for users to purchase music on the mobile operating system, where among them include Google Play Music and Spotify among others, so why not see iTunes on Android for a change?

A trio of sources did talk to Billboard concerning this possible development in the future, that Apple might be looking into an iTunes app for Android. It could be a strategic move to halt the decline in iTunes music sales figures. So far, Apple has not commented on this situation, so we will just have to wait and see.


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