
Peter Chou Still Has A Job To Do At HTC



In this day and age, when you ask little kids on what they want to do when they grow up, some might give traditional answers such as police, signing up with Uncle Sam, being a doctor, play the devil’s advocate as a lawyer, or being a heroic firefighter, but others might be more interested in lining up their pockets big time while leading a huge global company by being a CEO. A CEO is not a cushy job at all, and there are plenty of pressures attached to it, with the bottom line being, you will need to lead the company to newer and higher heights on a consistent basis, or to steer it through choppy waters and steady the ship. HTC is one company that has not been doing too well to date, and some questions have even arose as to whether Peter Chou, HTC’s CEO, should be given the sack.

HTC’s chairwoman, Cher Wang, does not seem as though she is about to fire CEO Peter Chou anytime soon. Wang intends to have HTC regroup and be future forward without falling back on the past, and has also cast an eye on China. Perhaps Peter Chou will be able help turn things around in the years ahead, who knows?


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