
Samsung S Orb Camera Software Might Debut With Galaxy Note 3



Well, well, what do we have here? A rumor concerning the the S Orb camera software could debut with the release of the Samsung Galaxy Note 3. I know that we have already seen that there will be large screens on devices which do not hail from the Galaxy Note family, and it is rumored that the S Orb camera software might very well debut alongside the Note 3, which has been deemed by some to by Samsung’s take on Google’s Photo Sphere in their very own way.

No idea on just how this execution is going to help them increase their market share, perhaps it is Samsung’s method of delivering an improved overall experience to their users, who knows? I mean, this is what LG with with their Optimus G Pro, no? Perhaps Samsung is looking for a method for users of their devices to share such panorama shots via the wonder that are social networks.


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