
HTC USA Says Verizon To Skip HTC One Party



Is the HTC One arriving in the US via Verizon? The simple and plain answer would be a resounding “No”, as you can see from HTC USA’s tweet above. So much for the HTC One being reported as delayed, it is no longer the case, as HTC USA has asked the masses to seriously reconsidering the “awesome” HTC Droid DNA instead. Hmmm, this is not going to sit down well with loyal customers of HTC who has stuck with them through the years, and to hear that they will not be able to pick up the flagship smartphone from their favorite mobile carrier is definitely venturing into PR disaster territory.

Of course, we cannot rule out the possibility of Verizon naming the HTC One as something else, only to roll it out, but then again, that might not make much sense either considering how the HTC One has already been marketed prior. What do you think?


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