
Google Wallet to introduce iPhone support soon?



Google Wallet is an experiment that is definitely worth looking into, where it has certainly grown by leaps and bounds since it was released a few months ago. At least it has sorted out its fair bit of aversion to credit card payments, not to mention bringing along a merry bunch of new users via the introduction of the Nexus 7 tablet by Google (manufactured by Asus, of course). It does seem as though Google wants to introduce a bunch of new changes with a new version of Google Wallet in the pipeline.

On the main Wallet page, we do see advertising of the new version that is on its way, where it delivers a link to a signup page, where you can place in your request for an invitation to the new Google Wallet. Most folks would figure out that the iPhone and other non-Android hardware, too, will also feature Google Wallet support, and this alone might mean some focus have shifted from NFC to other platforms, perhaps via QR codes and cameras, no?


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