
Beamdog could be considering Baldur’s Gate for Android



About a week ago, we reported that Beamdog announced Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition that will also be making an appearance on the iPad. So where is the love for Android you might ask? An avid fan of the game decided to take it upon himself to email Cameron Tofer, COO of Beamdog to ask if an Android version of the game would be made available in the future. According to the reply, it seems that Beamdog is considering bringing it to Android, although nothing has been set in stone just yet.

For those unfamiliar, Baldur’s Gate is an RPG game that debuted back in 1998 and was considered to be one of the more popular RPG games in its time. It spawned a sequel which apparently will also make its way onto the iPad towards the end of the year. The game is expected to be available for the iPad in the summer of 2012, but Android owners looking to run Baldur’s Gate on their devices can always turn to GemRB, an open-source engine that will run Baldur’s Gate, Icewind Dale and Planescape: Torment. We have yet to get our hands on the app and try it for ourselves, so proceed at your own risk!


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