
Smule launches Magic Guitar iOS app



Remember Smule? The company that brought iOS users the Magic Piano and Magic Flute app has unveiled its latest creation – the Magic Guitar. It basically follows in the same style and concept of the Magic Piano and Magic Flute where users have to press notes as they fall. However unlike games like Guitar Hero or Tap Tap Revenge, the closer/further away from the notes you press, the sound produced will be different, thus encouraging more accurate taps.

If you desire you can hold like you would hold a guitar neck as demonstrated in the video below. The app itself is free and more tunes can be unlocked via “Shred” points, offers or by simply purchasing them outright. Staying true to the mannerisms of a guitar, the Magic Guitar app will also allow players to “bend” the strings by dragging their fingers up as they play, much like you would on an actual guitar.

The app is currently available on the iTunes App Store, so time to fire up iTunes if you’d like to get your hands on the app, or check out the video below to see Smule’s founder crank out some sweet notes on the Magic Guitar app.


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