
iPad 3 could be slimmer thanks to new batteries



The iPad 2 at the moment is incredibly thin, and we’re not sure how much thinner it could get. However according to the Taiwan Economic News, they are claiming that Apple has placed orders for new batteries that are reportedly thinner and lighter than the iPad 2’s, while offering more “service life”. However the catch is that the batteries also cost 20-30% more than the iPad 2 batteries.

Given how Apple has consistently priced their products, could the iPad 3 be seeing a price hike due to the newer and thinner batteries? Well if all of this is true, we could be seeing a much thinner iPad 3 next year, or perhaps the space will be used for a Retina Display instead, a display which many iPad 2 users probably feel is long overdue. I guess that puts an end to those rumors of a possible iPad 3 this year?

What do you guys think? Would a thinner iPad 3 be something you might be interested in, or is do you think it might be too uncomfortable?


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