
AT&T Wants To Shrink Your SIM Cards Too



Not too long ago we had reported Apple along with French carrier Orange were working together on trying to get approvals for a smaller SIM card. Part of the reason why was because Apple had originally wanted to go with an embedded SIM card design but that did not sit well with carriers, so they had instead opted for a smaller SIM card instead, which many believed was because Apple wanted to have more room within their iOS devices which could lead to other things in the future, more features for the device and maybe even a bigger battery for longer battery life.

Now it seems that AT&T, one of Apple’s first carriers to bring the iPhone to the masses, has decided to hop on board the SIM-shrinking bandwagon as it was revealed that during an AllThingsD interview that AT&T’s CEO revealed that they were working with the industry to developer a smaller SIM standard. While they did not mention Apple, it does seem pretty obvious as Apple was one of the first to be pushing for the smaller SIM standard to begin with. Perhaps as more carriers start getting on board with the smaller SIM standard then we can start seeing some changes.

What do you think? Smaller SIM cards – yay or nay?


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