
Archo’s G9 Tablets Are Running On 1.5GHz Dual-Core Processors



Archos has lately been offering up pretty entry level tablets, featuring specs that didn’t exactly blow us away but yet offering them at extremely competitive pricing so with Archo’s latest offerings in the G9 series tablets, we were pleasantly surprised. The G9 series tablets were only announced just yesterday but we’re pretty pleased with what they’re bringing to the table.

The G9 tablets come in two flavors, the Archos 80 G9 and the Archos 101 G9, the only difference between the two are the screen sizes, with the Archos 80 coming in at 8-inches while the Archos 101 comes in at 10-inchs. Other than that they both feature similar specs, both featuring Seagate’s 7mm Momentus Thin HDD which will provide the G9 series a whopping 250GB of internal storage.

Processorwise the G9 tablets will be running on a 1.5GHz dual-core OMAP 4 CPU. Connectivitywise the tablets don’t feature 3G out of the box, which is rather disappoint, but instead offers up a full-sized USB port that can be couple with an accompanying G9 3G WWAN stick for data on the go. The tablets also feature an HDMI port for 1080p playback.

Pricewise they’re both still in the affordable range with the 8-inch Archos 80 G9 will retail for only $279, while the 101 G9 is priced at $349. You can expect to see the tablets hit the stores in September.


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