
Apple Hired Jailbreak Developer To Work On iOS Notifications?



Companies have been known to hire hackers to work for them, to test security flaws, find bugs and add a unique perspective to the development process that regular users might not have thought of, so would it be too far of a stretch to think that Apple may have hired Peter Hajas, the developer of the jailbreak replacement notification system, Mobile Notifier, to come work for them to develop Apple’s iOS notifications, perhaps in anticipation for iOS 5?

Peter Hajas had hinted in his Twitter update that he would be going to work for a “fruit” company in California before ending his tweet with the phrase “stay hungry and stay foolish” which was what Steve Jobs had used to close his 2005 Stanford University commencement speech.

It seems unlikely that his work will be seen in iOS 5 as the latest iOS is scheduled to be unveiled come Monday, June 6th, but since he is known for his notifications system does that mean we won’t be seeing new notification systems hitting iOS 5? Or is Peter Hajas instead working on something else for Apple? I guess we will have to wait for Monday and find out for ourselves.


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