
An Imagining Of Windows 8 On Tablets



So we’ve all heard the buzz about Microsoft’s Windows 8 unveiling and it looks as though Windows 8 was designed with mobility in mind. Well tablets to be more specific. Much like how Windows Phone 7 was designed, Windows 8 seems to be focusing quite a bit on the same concept with tiles and making it more touch oriented which seems to be a huge departure from the traditional cursor and icons that we found in Windows 7.

Apparently when Microsoft designed it not only did they design it in mind of desktop users but also to aid their position in the tablet market, much like how Android’s Ice Cream Sandwich operating system was meant to bridge the operating system between their smartphone devices and tablet devices.

However it seems that despite the possibilities of what Windows 8 could bring to the tablet market there are many who think that this might not change much for Microsoft as the iPad seems to be the leading choice in tablets these days. Even Nokia has stated that they will not coming out with tablets any time soon unless it’s a tablet they know for sure will take over the iPad.

So readers, do you think that a Windows Phone 7 concept will look good in tablet form?


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