
Sony NEX-C3 instruction manual appears briefly on Czech site



Don’t you just loathe it when companies leak something out onto their website only to pull it down later on, making you wonder whether this was just a publicity stunt or a genuine mistake on behalf of the webmaster. Well, there is bound to be a leak of sorts nearly every single day, and the latest would be from Sony with their NEX-C3 digital camera. So far, Sony has not let out any more information on the NEX-C3, but the camera’s instruction manual did make an appearance, albeit a brief one, on the company’s Czech Republic site.

That alone is proof of the pudding that the NEX-3’s successor is in the offing, ready to rock and roll when the head honchos over at Sony give the go ahead. The camera mock-up on the description page does seem to be similar to other photos that were leaked out prior to this, and if one takes the control layout into consideration, both NEX-3 and NEX-5 users ought to be able to jump into the NEX-C3 without going through a steep learning curve.

There won’t be any more full manual function, but never mind that as the NEX-C3 is a smaller than its predecessor, despite cramming in a 16-megapixel sensor. A new lens, which comes in the form of a 30mm f/3.5 macro, is also tipped to retail for €259 (that is around $385), giving avid shutterbugs a fourth option to the limited range of NEX-compatible optics.


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