
iPhone’s Text-to-Speec & Speech-to-Text Patent



Say what you will about Apple but there’s a good reason why they have fans. So it seems that Apple has recently filed a patent, apparently coming up with a solution for answering your iPhone in a crowded area or if you’re in a meeting. This technology measures your noise levels so when your phone rings and if the noise level is at a certain point, it will give the user several options on how they want to handle the call which include text-to-speech, regular text, a pre-recorded message, or voicemail.

The built-in text-to-speech converter would automatically convert the text from one phone into audio for the other and the recipient of the converted text could then speak in response and that response would be converted into text for the person on the other end of the line. Talk about handy!

With Apple’s recent partnership of Nuance and the acquisition of Siri, the possibility of seeing this technology coming out in future iPhones is very likely. This could solve a lot of other problems too i.e. driving while talking or driving while texting.


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