
Does India Prefer Symbian Over iOS?



Perhaps the iPhone wasn’t the most anticipated device to come to India. Only a few days after it was supposed to arrive to carriers in India, Nokia India launched a campaign, titled “iDoalotmore”, trying to steer the focus away from the iPhone, with the “i” a presumed parody of the iPhone.

The campaign while acknowledging that the iPhone is superior in certain ways, claims that Symbian instead is perhaps more advantageous. It is a rather understandable move by Nokia India as Symbian devices tend to be do better in India, especially with the sales of legacy phones, while smartphones like the iPhone are portrayed as being expensive.

However all things considered it’s rather ironic that Nokia is still holding on to Symbian, despite their attempts to phase out the operating system in favor of Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7. Could this be considered a last ditch attempt, or is Nokia India simply crying out to not be forgotten amidst the glitz and glamor of the arrival of iOS and Android devices to their market.

Perhaps Nokia India will not have to wait too long as Nokia is planning on releasing a wide range of smartphones, some of which are aimed at price sensitive countries such as India. Until then we can only assume Apple can’t be too happy about this campaign.


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