
Beware of iPad Scams on Ebay



It is scams like these that make people doubt the usefulness of eBay. Recently there have been quite a few eBay posts that advertise the iPad 2 for seemingly cheap prices and the scam involves you not reading the fine print, ending up with you paying a couple of hundred bucks for a piece of paper or a photo.

This reminds me of a case on Judge Judy where a mother and daughter were tricked into buying a photo of a phone because that was what was stated in the fine print but the mother and daughter thought they were getting a great deal for a pair of phones. Of course the court found in favor of the mother and daughter but people, really, not reading contracts, terms and agreements and fine print is not an excuse to be ignorant!

Thanks to John Biggs at CrunchGear for helping to expose this scam and educate the rest of us to the wiles of eBay scam artists.


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