
About 5 Percent Of U.S. Owns A Tablet



Tablets seem to all the buzz lately with so many new tablets being released and also how tablets are causing PC sales to drop. With all that news flying around you could not be blamed if you had the image that everyone is walking around with a tablet device. It seems that could not be further from the truth.

According to a survey conducted by Nielsen to 12,000 US consumers, it seems that out of that 12,000 only 5% own a tablet device. This could mean that perhaps tablets aren’t really taking off as was intended, either that or there’s still a huge market, 95% market that is just waiting to be filled. According to Jordan Crook at CrunchGear, he seems to think that while this may be good news for tablet manufacturers it may not bode as well for Apple, whose iPad currently holds 80% of the tablet market. It could mean that despite all the hype and marketing of their iPad devices, it seems that 95% of the US are still holding out on a tablet that would just blow them away, and the iPad devices just aren’t doing that.

Perhaps PC manufacturers needn’t be so worried after all.


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