
Google Goggles makes Sudoku a piece of cake



The next time you host a Sudoku challenge; make sure nobody is equipped with a smartphone that runs the Google Goggles app. Google has just released an update to their popular camera app which now enables it to solve your Sudoku puzzles for you! In case you didn’t know what Goggles is, it’s basically an app that can recognize whatever you’re taking a photograph of. For example you’re in a foreign country and you don’t have a tour guide, and you want to know the name of a building. Instead of having to pester the locals for information, all you have to do is snap a picture of it; and Goggles will Google it to tell you exactly what it is. The latest update brings a Sudoku-solver and the ability to recognize print ads. Grab the latest version of Google Goggles from the Android Market or iTunes App Store now. Watch a promo video after the break:


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