
Taxis to have WiFi in Japan, thanks to DoCoMo



Technology never ceases to amaze us in the land of the rising sun. Japan, the country that’s famous for advanced technology and raw fish, now has taxis that are capable of providing you WiFi access. It’s been reported that 820 cabs, will allow you to use WiFi internet in them while you’re on the way to your destination. 100 of these cars will also have a PlayStation Portable in case you feel like gaming instead. These cabs that have been enabled by DoCoMo (one of their carriers) will be indicated by red stickers on the side of the cab. The WiFi taxis will be launched in Tokyo, March 2011. So if you ever find yourself in Japan and stranded with no internet access, but you have a WiFi-enabled phone, at least now you know you can just look for a DoCoMo taxi to get online.


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