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Red Twitter launched by China



China, a country that once implemented a closed door policy to the rest of the world, has opened up for quite some time already. Many first time visitors to the capital of China will find the dazzling lights and new level of wealth there rather surprising. Well, it is still a communist country, so the government still wields a considerable amount of influence over its citizens, and has released Red Twitter – an identical service to the US micro-blogging website, although its messages are meant to promote the revolutionary spirit. Some of the messages on the home page include “Work hard, be honest and treat others well”, “The world is ours; we should work together”, “There is no sky larger than the hand, no road longer than the feet, no mountain higher than the people, no sea wider than the heart”, and “Those who go with the flow are forever going up and down in the waves; only those who go against the wind fearing no hardship, can reach the other side fast.” Is this funky or what?


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