
Lego HTC EVO 4G battery cover



Looking for an interesting case to cover your EVO 4G with? If you think that off-the-shelf covers aren’t very unique and do nothing to show off your personality, you might want to give the Lego HTC EVO 4G battery cover a go. Someone managed to customize their own back cover for their HTC EVO 4G using Lego pieces, and plastic cement. What he did – he scraped off the rubber coating on the EVO’s original battery door, cleaned it up with some alcohol, to prepare the surface. Then he aligned the pieces carefully with a pair of calipers and used plastic cement to hold the pieces in place. Sure, it might take some time and patience to get great looking results, but if you have a wide assortment of Lego pieces, you can truly let your personality shine out through your work. Not to mention, they’re Lego pieces, so you can always add something new on top depending on your mood. If you’d like full instructions of how it was done, head here. The same method should work with other phones as well, just make sure you have a spare one around in the event nothing goes as planned. Wouldn’t a Lego back it be a pain to hold for long periods of time? Let us know how it goes if you attempt to execute this project.


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