
Google tests NFC kits for businesses in Portland



Even though their near field communication (NFC)-enabled phone, the Nexus S has yet to hit the streets, Google has started to push their NFC technology to the world. On their official blog, they have just announced that they will be sending out kits to businesses around Oregon, Portland to make them NFC-enabled. In these kits, the businesses will receive special window decals that can be set up to provide additional information about the restaurant. All users have to do is hold up their phone next to the decal and within seconds the will receive the information. For businesses to take part, all they have to do is ensure they have been located on Google Maps, and they can request for the kit. It’s nice to see Google pushing their technology this early on, and we can’t help but wonder what they have in store for us next. Watch a video introduction by Google after the break:


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