
G-Alarm now on Android



The popular alarm clock app on Windows Mobile 6.x has made the plunge to the Android operating system. Ageye, the developers of the app have recently released an early beta of the G-Alarm app for Android. Fans of the versatile alarm clock app from Windows Mobile will instantly recognize and feel at home again. G-Alarm features the ability to set multiple alarms for multiple profiles, customize alarm tones and songs, snooze time, volume level, and much more. What makes G-Alarm stand out from the crowd is its level of customizability, and the different ways you can use to shut off or snooze an alarm- you can answer math questions or drop a ball into a maze to make it that much harder just to snooze through that “10 more minutes!” before you wake up. At the moment it’s not as polished as the final app it was on WinMo but it’s got enough to function as an alarm clock. If you’re interested in checking it out, the beta is available as a free download now, though it stops working on January 20. Check it out and let us know if it helps you get up on time for work.


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