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Cellphones that blow, kiss and grab you to make conversations intimate



At a recent TedxTalks in Berlin, Fabian Hemmert, a design researcher, showed off some very interesting cellphone prototypes that bring a whole new meaning to the phrase “keeping in touch”. He showed off video demonstrations of three prototypes and boy they sure are strange. The first device demonstrated attaches to the user’s hand, and when they squeeze the phone, the squeeze will be transmitted to the other phone which then squeezes the recipient’s hand as well. The second one, meant to demonstrate kissing has a wet sponge which when activated, is pressed against the user’s face to give the moist feeling of a kiss. And lastly, the final prototype blows air to its user’s face or neck to simulate whispering or blowing. Though these prototypes seem too bizarre to be accepted in today’s world, it surely opens up the possibility of alternative ways to communicate in the future. Watch the video clip of the TedxTalks after the break:


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