
Bookeen’s Orizon is the world’s thinnest eBook reader



If you’ve ever complained about a tablet being too thick to read comfortably with, the Orizon might be the eBook reader for you. Recently spotted at the FCC, the Bookeen Orizon is only 0.29″ thick! You’d be hardpressed to find an eBook reader like that and isn’t made from paper or flexible AMOLED displays that have yet to hit the market. The Bookeen Orizon has a 6″ SiPix ePaper display with a 600 x 800 resolution, 2GB of internal storage, a micro SD card slot for up to 8GB of external storage, and supports the Adobe ePUB format. It also has WiFi which allows you to easily download your books off the air. The Bookeen Orizon is available in Black or White for $249 and can be purchased from their online store. How many of you read eBooks on a device other than your computer?


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