
Android is taking over BlackBerry at Verizon



It looks like it’s time to say goodbye to BlackBerry at Verizon. BlackBerry phones used to make up 90% of the phones that Verizon were selling – that was over a year ago in October 2009. As of November 2010, BlackBerry phones only account for less than 20% of the phones sold by Big Red. It only took a year, but their declination started about a month after the first Motorola Droid arrived on their network. From being their top selling phone to their worst in just over a year testifies Android’s rising popularity because the 80% of phones that are being sold by Verizon are now Android phones. With Verizon rumored to go Apple by selling the next iPhone and BlackBerry having nothing to offer in terms of high-end hardware when put head to head against Android, it looks like they’re being relegated to compete against the low-end and mid-level phones- definitely not the target RIM is looking at, especially since their devices have been branded for the Enterprise sector. BlackBerry’s decline at Verizon might not be the sole cause of its recent downfall in the States but with Verizon being one of the four major carriers, it could reflect a trend found in the other carriers as well. Plus, with the recent statements about focusing on the rest of the world instead of the States, it looks like they might need a change of plans if they want to stay relevant in America, which they used to dominate.


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