
Share photos from your iPhone instantly with Instagram



If you find sharing photos a troublesome task on your iPhone, chances are you’re using too many apps to do the job. Instagram makes it easy for you to share your artistic visuals just using one app. Instagram, by Burbn Inc, is an app for your iPhone that allows you to take photos, add filters to the image, and post it online to multiple services all for free. The app supports Twitter, Tumblr, Flickr, Facebook, and even Foursquare by allowing you to check-in by posting a photo with a location. You can also comment and like photos on multiple services from just one app. The app recently received an update and a number of new features were added in addition to the bug fixes. You can now explore popular photos & users without signing up, flag inappropriate/copyrighted photos for review, upload photos while running in the background (multi-task support), and more. Instagram is free and will remain free according to its developer. So if the photography-enthusiast inside of you is dying to get out, what are you waiting for? Get Instagram, and start sharing your photos online. Download the app from the App Store.


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