
Papaya Mobile releases a free game engine for developers to build Android games



Papaya Mobile, one of Anrdoid’s most loyal supporters, has taken another step to give Android another push in the mobile gaming world. They have just released the Papaya Game Engine to the public. The free, OpenGL run-time script engine can create games that easily integrate with Papaya’s mobile social platform. The Papaya Game Engine allows users to write scripts in a language that is similar to Python or Flash- enabling developers who aren’t familiar with Java to write games for the Android operating system. Papaya boasted about how easy to use the engine is- games can be built in as little time as a week. The engine is said to reduce the time it takes to complete repetitive tasks by up to 50%. With Papaya pushing games on the development side of things, Rovio creating hit games like Angry Birds, GetJar providing app distribution and Aurora Feint working on multiplayer gaming- it looks like Android is rapidly rising and will soon be able to challenge iOS and Windows Phone 7 for the title of top mobile gaming platform.


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