
Check for STDs using your phone



Technology and health care have come a long way since they were first combined, and it doesn’t look like it’s stopping anytime soon. A group of organizations in the UK have worked together to fund research for a cheap, portable way to test for STDs. The test which they poured $10 million into, consists of a disposable USB dongle-sized component containing a microchip. Users urinate on the device and connect it to a mobile phone, laptop or computer and can test for herpes, chlamydia and gonorrhea instantly. These testing devices will be distributed through vending machines in places like nightclubs and will cost less than $2 each. That’s a small price to pay to avoid the embarassing trip to the clinic and to ensure that you don’t contribute to the spreading of STDs in the world. Hopefully this technology reaches the market soon, and makes it to the rest of the world. What are your thoughts about such testing devices?


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