
Become a better dentist with iPad Tips, Tricks, & Techniques for Dentists



Research and Markets, a respected market research resource has released a new webinar (web-seminar) titled “iPad Tips, Tricks, & Techniques for Dentists – Everything You Need to Know in 60-Minutes to Get the Most out of Your iPad”. Taking up only an hour of your time, this webinar is touted to make you a better and more efficient dentist. With info about how dentists are getting the most out of their iPad, heads up on features, settings and new iPad-specific apps that can be valuable resources to dentists. It also gives you a tour of your iPad with step by step instructions on how you should store and access files, review patient records, do research, and access programs and web sites specifically suited to dentists, teach you how to use the iPad to deal with issues, calls and emergencies during off-hours, a list of 10 must-have apps for dentists and how to use them, and case studies of other dentists and how they use their iPads. At $750 a webinar, it might be worth a shot if it works out- after all, you get what you give right? If you’re a dentist with an iPad, and you purchase this webinar, let us know if it helps.

[photo credit: sd1988]


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