
Ontario Implements Cell Phone Driving Ban



It’s a bill that’s certainly going to be met with mixed responses, but the Ontario government has passed Bill 118 anyways, the “Countering Distracted Driving and Promoting Green Transportation Act”, which effectively bands folks from using their cell phone or entertainment devices whilst driving. The bill will take effect this fall, though the good news is that devices being used in the hands-free mode are exempted, so can probably still find a way to chat on the phone while driving via a Bluetooth hands-free kit. If you’re caught breaking this law, you could be fined up to $500, or if you put others in danger, you could be fined up to $1,000, lose six demerit points, have your driver’s license suspended or even jail time. It certainly sounds strict. Maybe you’ll need to think twice before picking up that cell phone call, especially if you’re in Ontario.


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