
iPhone code reveals Apple's plans for iTunes rentals?



As it has become normal for an upgrade of the iPhone firmware, enthusiasts were at it again, sniffing out every nuance of data added (or in some cases, not added) to the iPhone. One hacker found a new piece of information that might reveal Apple’s plans of an iTunes rental service, most likely for movies. Here is the data below, picked up from the iPhone’s “lockdownd” file:

pumpkin:~ pumpkin$ strings
/usr/local/share/iphone-filesystem/usr/libexec/lockdownd | grep -i rental
trigger_rental_bag_verification: Could not retrieve FairPlayID
trigger_rental_bag_verification: Could not initialize FairPlay context
trigger_rental_bag_verification: Could not verify the rental bag response: %d
load_rental_bag_request: Could not retrieve FairPlayID
load_rental_bag_request: Could not initialize FairPlay context
load_rental_bag_request: Could not generate rental bag request
load_rental_bag_request: Could not create mutable dictionary
load_rental_bag_request: Could not create CFData from request message
load_rental_bag_request: Could not create CFArray
load_rental_bag_request: Could not create CFNumber from indice RentalBagResponse
RentalBagRequest pumpkin:~ pumpkin$

Instead of a shopping cart, we see Apple has opted for a “rental bag.” Very slick indeed.


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